Capturing 3 month old baby Cora– a sweet and fun age to hire a professional photographer

Newborn photographer is obviously one of my most requested photography sessions- and for good reason. There are fewer moments in life that are as impactful as welcoming home a little one.

However, capturing little ones during the newborn stage is not always possible for families.
Sometimes, the parents are too exhausted or overwhelmed to even think about newborn photography… And that’s ok!

We can capture beautiful images of your “older” newborn….and there are many benefits.
- Mom is usually a bit more rested
- Baby is super fun and engaged at this stage
- Baby’s schedule is usually a bit more predictable and we can get a variety of images

Looking at these sweet images of 3 month old baby Cora shows that it’s not too late to capture professional images of your little one.
Moms have enough to worry about. Please know that if you missed the newborn window- don’t worry! I have photographed newborns up to the age of 4 months or so.

Whether you are looking for newborn images or images of your slightly older baby, the best thing to do to learn more is to arrange a time to chat.
During the call, we will have a chance to get to know each other a bit more, and address any questions or concerns you may have. If you haven’t already taken a look at some of my work you can do so here.
I look foward to connecting!